I'm Gonna Make This Quick.... (hopefully LOL)
...'Cuz, #wtf iz LYFE rn, bro?? LMFAO... I truly cannot fathom what the fuck may have happened in "SOCIETY" but nigga, this aint it. LMFAO. I truly think the world (this world anyway) has completely lost their goddamn mindz. LMFAO, I just can NOT come to ANY other logical CONCLUSION besides people are evil and they FAWKINGGG want to b. LMFAO, iz pretty SICKENING to $ee how people are so willing to do the ABSOLUTE most to hurt another being... nigga, yaw have lost ur damn wayz, 'n LUCKILY just by WATCHING a REAL NIGGA like meee, LOL, yaw can $ee it aint nothing teww ittt, but to deww it, ard? LOL, ard. BET... LYFE is literally what all 'da 'lor stupid $ongs say... lol (I was gonna type with sense, but eh, 'diss iz more me, CHILL on me, jus ROLL w/ IT <3 ) LYFE iz but a DREAM <3 LYFE iz what YUUU MAKE IT <3 LYFE iz FULL OF TWISTS 'n TURNS <3 Ur ALWAYS right where UR SUPPOSED TO B <3 F.I.N.A.O (FAILURE IZ NOT AN OPTION...